1)测控类研究设备:dSPACE实时测控系统、NI-Labview 工业测控系统、西门子S-7工业控制系统;
比利时根特大学(University of Ghent),电气工程博士(Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, 1996)
2008—至今,上海师范大学教授(运筹学与控制论学科 博士生导师)
2007-2008,电子科技大学 教授(电子科学技术学科 博士生导师)
1998-2006,桂林电子科技大学 教授
1996-1998,加拿大西蒙弗雷泽大学(Simon Fraser University)博士后
7、《Chinese Journal of Electronics》编委
8、《International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 》编委
9、《Journal of Control Theory and Technology》编委
10、《International Journal of Modeling, Identification and Control》编委
11、《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics》编委
1、IPMC 传感器信号分析与非线性补偿,国家自然科学基金项目,主持,(2012-2016)
1、Q. Tan, P. Divekar, X. Chen, M. Zheng, Y. Tan, Exhaust gas recirculation control through extremum seeking in a Low Temperature Combustion diesel engine, Best Presented Paper(最佳宣读论文奖), American Control Conference(美国控制会议), Portland, USA, 2014
2、Tan, Y. Xie, R. Dong, H. He, Control of Multi-dimensional Micro-positioning Stages, Best Paper Award in Applications (最佳应用论文奖), Int. Conf. on Advanced Mechatronic Systems, 2012, Tokyo, Japan
4、论文: C. Li, Y. Tan*, A hybrid neural network based modeling for hysteresis,在the 20th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, 2005年获最佳宣读论文奖(Award of the best presented paper)
6、论文: Y. Tan, R. De Keyser, Auto-tuning PID control using neural predictor to compensate large time delay,在1994年IEEE Conference on Control Applications,获最佳论文提名奖
Yonghong Tan
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering
Director of Research Center of Precision Mechatronics and Control Technology
Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China
E-mail: tany@shnu.edu.cn
Mobile: +86 15021173718
Birth date: July 2, 1958
1993-03 ~1996-04, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, University of Ghent, Belgium
1985-09 ~1988-06,M.S. Control Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
1978-03~1982-01, B.S. Automation, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China
Working Experience
1. 2014-09~2015-11, Visiting Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Windsor, Canada
2. 2013-09~2012-02, Visiting Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Windsor, Canada
3. 2012-08~11, Visiting Professor, Dept. of Information and Systems, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan
4. 2012-08~11, Visiting Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Windsor, Canada
5. 2007-11~2008-04, Professor, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
6. 1998-05, 2007-10, Professor, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin, China
7. 2001-11~2002-01,Visiting Professor, Dept. of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Concordia University, Canada
8. 2001-01~07,Visiting Professor, Dept. of Bio-resource and Chemical Engineering, Colorado State University, USA
9. 1996-04~1998-05, Post-doctoral research fellow, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Research Areas
1. Measurement, modeling and control of precision mechatronic systems, especially for multi-dimensional precision positioning stages with piezoelectric actuators.
2. Real-time identification, filtering and control of non-smooth dynamic systems, especially for mechanical systems with saturation, dead zone, backlash or hysteresis.
3. Biomedical measurement, signal processing and pattern recognition.
Academic Activities
1. Associated editor for several journals such as “International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science”, “International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics”, “International Journal of Modeling, Identification and Control”, “Journal of Control Theory and Applications”, and “Chinese Journal of Electronics”.
2. Members of program committee for several international conferences, such as IEEE ISIC,CCC, ICAMechS, IEEE ICCA etc.
3. General Chair of ICDMA’2012, General Chair of ICTC’2006, General Co-Chair of ICCCAS’2006, Publicity Chair of ICAMechS’2011, and ICAMechS’2012.
4. Member of IEEE and ASME.
Selected Publications
1.N. Luo, Y. Tan, R. Dong, Observability and controllability analysis for sandwich systems with dead-zone, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 14(1) , 188-197, 2016 (SCI)
2.Dong, R., Tan, Y., Xie, Y. and K. Janschek: Recursive Identification of Micro-Positioning Stage Based on Sandwich Model with Hysteresis, IEEE Trans. on Control Systems Technology, Accepted, 2016.(SCI)
3.Zhou, Z., Tan, Y., Xie, Y., Dong, R., Soft measurement of states of sandwich system with dead zone and its application, Measurement, 78, 219–234, 2016. (SCI)
4.R. Dong, Y. Tan ,Y. Xie,Identification of micropositioning stage with piezoelectric actuators,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, (75),618-630, 2016.(SCI)
5.Dong, R., Tan, Y., and Janschek, K.: Non-smooth predictive control for Wiener systems with backlash-Like hysteresis. IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, 21(1), 17-28, 2016. (SCI)
6.Zhou, Z., Tan, Y., Dong, R., Fault detection of piezoceramic actuator using non-smooth observer, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 47(4), 975-991, 2015. (SCI)
7.N. Luo, Y. Tan, R. Dong, Observability and controllability analysis for sandwich systems with backlash, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 25(4), 803-814, 2015(SCI)
8.Z. Zhou, Y Tan, R Dong, L Zhang, Fault detection for sandwich systems with hysteresis based on robust observer,International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics 2015, 49 (4), 577-595. (SCI)
9.Dong, R., and Tan, Y., A model based predictive compensation for ionic polymer metal composite sensors for displacement measurement, Sensors and Actuators A-Physical, 224. 43-49, 2015.(SCI)
10.H. He , Y. Tan, Y. Wang, Optimal Base Wavelet Selection for ECG Noise Reduction Using a Comprehensive Entropy Criterion,Entropy, 17(2), 6093-6109, 2015. (SCI)
11.Modeling the dynamic sandwich system with hysteresis using NARMAX model ,Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 9, 162-188, 2014. (SCI)
12.A. Mavrinac, X. Chen, Y. Tan, Coverage Quality and Smoothness Criteria for Online View Selection in a Multi-Camera Network, ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 61(2), 930-942, 2014. (SCI)
13.Y. Xie, Y. Tan, R. Dong, Nonlinear modeling and decoupling control of XY micro-positioning stages with piezoelectric actuators,IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 18(3), 2013.(SCI)
14.R. Dong, Y. Tan, On-line identification algorithm and convergence analysis for sandwich systems with backlash, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 9(3),2011.(SCI)
15.Y. Tan, R. Dong, Recursive Identification of Sandwich Systems With Dead Zone and Application,IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 17(4),2009.(SCI)
16.X. Zhang, Y. Tan, Modeling of hysteresis in piezoelectric actuators using neural networks,Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 23(8),2009.(SCI)
17.L. Deng, Y. Tan, Modeling hysteresis in piezoelectric actuators using NARMAX models,Sensors and Actuators A: Physical,149(1), 2009.(SCI)
18.Y. Xie, Y Tan, R. Dong, Identification of sandwich systems with a dead zone using combinational input signals,Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control,33(8), 2012.(SCI)
19.L. Ma, Y. Tan, et. al., A neural networks based model of inverse hysteresis, Physica B, 406(21), 2011. (SCI)
20.Yonghong Tan, Ruili Dong, Hui Chen, and Hong He ,Identification of Hysteresis in Human Meridian Systems Based on NARMAX Model ,Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 2012, 2012/11/28,(SCI)
21.X. Zhang, Y. Tan, A hybrid model for rate-dependent hysteresis in piezoelectric actuators, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 157(1), 2010.(SCI)
22.Y. Tan, X. Zhao, Neural modeling and control of dynamic systems with hysteresis,Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 31(1), 2007.(SCI)
23.R. Dong, Y. Tan, A modified Prandtl-Ishlinskii modeling method for hysteresis,Physica B-Condensed Matter, 404(8-11), 2009.(SCI)
24.X. Zhang, Y. Tan, Neural networks based identification and compensation of rate-dependent hysteresis in piezoelectric actuators, Physica B-Condensed Matter, 405(12), 2010.(SCI)
25.R. Dong, Y. Tan, Internal Model Control for Dynamic Systems With Preceded Backlash,Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control-Transactions of the ASME, 132(2), 2009.(SCI)
26.R. Dong, Y. Tan, Recursive Identification for Dynamic Systems with Backlash,Asian Journal of Control,12(1), 2010.(SCI)
27.R. Dong, Y. Tan, Recursive Identification for Dynamic Systems with Output Backlash and Its Convergence,International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 19(4), 2009.(SCI)
28.L. Deng, Y. Tan, Diagonal recurrent neural network with modified backlash operators for modeling of rate-dependent hysteresis in piezoelectric actuators, Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical,148(1),2008.(SCI)
29.L. Ma, Y. Tan, Improved EHM-based NN hysteresis model,Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 141(1), 2008. (SCI)
30.R. Dong, Y. Tan, A neural networks based model for rate-dependent hysteresis for piezoceramic actuators, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 147(1), 2008.(SCI)
31.X. Zhao, Y. Tan, Modeling Hysteresis and Its Inverse Model Using Neural Networks Based on Expanded Input Space Method,IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 16(3), 2008
32.X. Dang, Y. Tan, RBF neural networks hysteresis modelling for piezoceramic actuator using hybrid model, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 21(2), 2007.(SCI)
33.X. Zhao, Y. Tan, Neural network based identification of Preisach-type hysteresis in piezoelectric actuator using hysteretic operator,Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 126(2),2006.(SCI)
34.S. Yuan, Y. Tan, Impulse noise removal by the difference-type noise detector and the cost function-type filter,Signal Processing, 87(10), 2007.(SCI)
35.S. Yuan, Y. Tan, Impulse noise removal by a global-local noise detector and adaptive median filter,Signal Processing, 86(9), 2006.(SCI)
36.S. Yuan, Y. Tan, The solutions of equation-based noise detector for an adaptive median filter, Pattern Recognition, 39(11), 2006.(SCI)
37.S. Yuan, Y. Tan, Difference-type noise detector for adaptive median filter,IEE Electronics Letters, 42(8), 2006.(SCI)
38.C. Li, Y. Tan, Modeling of Preisach-type hysteresis nonlinearity using neural network,International Journal of Modeling and Simulation, 27(3), 2007.(EI)
39.C. Li, Y. Tan, Adaptive output feedback control of systems preceded by the Preisach-type hysteresis, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics,35(1), 2005.(SCI)
40.P. Yang, Y. Tan, N. Sun, Measurement, simulation on dynamic characteristics of a wire gauze-fluid damping shock absorber, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,, 20(3), 2006.(SCI)
41.Y. Tan, A. Van Cauwenberghe, Neural-network-based d-step-ahead predictors for nonlinear systems with time delay, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 12(1), 1999.(SCI)
42.Y. Tan, A. Van Cauwenberghe, Nonlinear one-step-ahead control using neural networks: Control strategy and stability design,Automatica, 32(12), 1996.(SCI)
43.Y. Tan, M. Saif, Neural-networks-based nonlinear dynamic modeling for automotive engines,Neurocomputing, 30(1-4), 2000.(SCI)
1.Y. Tan, X. Dang, H. Chen: Multi-variable measurement apparatus with small diameter pipe for small flow, China Patent (ZL03135886.1), 2003
2.Y. Tan, X. Dang, H. Chen: An intelligent temperature control method of glass furnace, China Patent (ZL200510020141.0), 2005
3.Y. Tan, H. Chen, X. Dang: Temperature measuring method of hermetic chamber with high-temperature and high-pressure, China Patent (ZL200410040325.9), 2004
4.X. Dang, Y. Tan, H. Chen:State estimation of industrial furnaces burning heavy oil, China Patent (ZL200510020140.6), 2007
5.Y. Tan, S. Xu and R. Dong.: An automatic bearing lubrication method and related electrical control system based on vibration measurement. China Patent (CN102116408A), 2010.
6.Y. Tan, R. Dong and S. Xu.: An automatic bearing lubrication method and related device based on temperature measurement. China Patent (CN102032277A). 2010
7.Y. Tan, F. Qiu and R. Dong.: A speed control method of a rotary traveling wave ultrasonic motor with friction compensation. China Patent (ZL201110175673.7), 2011
8.Y. Tan, R. Dong, X. Su: Bearings self-lubricating method and apparatus with feedback control based on rotary encoder, China Patent (ZL201110310524.7), 2014
9.Y. Tan, R. Dong, Y. Gong, A meridian pointspositioningdevice and method, China Patent (ZL201110280648.5), 2011
10.Y. Tan, J. Zhouge, R. Dong, A Chinese medicine acupuncture point positioning device and method, China Patent (ZL201110280650.2), 2011
11.M. Su, Y. Tan, Z. Wang, A synchronization measurement method and device of human bilateral meridian impedance spectroscopy, China Patent (ZL201210328282.9), 2011
12.H. He, Y. Tan, X. Liu, An approach of meridian points localization based on the ECG intelligent information processing, China Patent (ZL201210285058.6), 2012
13.H. He, Y. Tan, R. Dong, A meridian points positioning method based on genetic clustering, China Patent (ZL201210285071.1), 2012
14.Y. Tan, H. Chen, S. Xu, R. Dong, H. He, An apparatus and method of sensing property measurement for IPMC membrane, China Patent (ZL201210594320.5), 2015
15.R. Dong, Y. Tan, H. Chen, A predictive control method of mechanical transmission stage, China Patent (CN103019092A), 2012
16.R. Dong, Y. Tan, H. Chen, A method to determine the model parameters of mechanical systems with backlash, China Patent (CN103092075A), 2012
17.Y. Tan, R. Dong, C. Jiang, A compensation method of hysteresis in IPMC displacement sensor based on psuedo-feedback control, China Patent (CN103822570A), 2014
18.Y. Tan, H. Chen. R. Dong. H. He, A predictive control method for weight of plastic raw material feeding process for proportioning machine, China Patent (CN103558760A), 2013
1.Q. Tan, P. Divekar, X. Chen, M. Zheng, Y. Tan, Exhaust gas recirculation control through extremum seeking in a Low Temperature Combustion diesel engine, Best Presented Paper, American Control Conference, Portland, USA, 2014
2.Y. Tan, Y. Xie, R. Dong, H. He, Control of multi-dimensional micro-positioning stages, Best Paper in Applications, International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems, Tokyo, Japan, 2012
3.Y. Tan, X. Dang, H. Chen, Intelligent Mornitoring Systems Design and Software Development of Industrial Furnaces, Award of Progress in Science and Technology of Guangxi, 2nd Prize, Guangxi Government, 2006
4.C. Li, Y. Tan, Neural Sliding Mode Control for Systems with Hysteresis, Best Presented Paper, 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Cyprus, 2005
5.Y. Tan, R. De Keyser, Auto-tuning PID control using neural predictor to compensate large time-delay, Best Paper Nomination, IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Glasgow, UK, 1994