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洪璇,博士,上海师范大学信息与机电工程学院计算机系副教授,硕士生导师。 2003年在中国民航大学获计算机应用专业学士学位。2009年从上海交通大学获计算机系统结构专业博士学位,并被评选为“上海交通大学优秀毕业生”。2009年进入上海师范大学聘为讲师,2012年聘为副教授,2013年被聘为硕士生导师。 已在国内外刊物和学术会议上发表论文24余篇,已经取得国家自然科学青年基金项目、上海市教委科研创新一般项目、上海市选拔优秀青年教师科研专项基金,上海师范大学创新团队等项目。 主要研究方向: 密码学与信息安全,数字签名,安全模型,分布式网络安全。 近期发表的学术论文: [1] Xuan Hong. Efficient Threshold Proxy Signature Protocol for Mobile Agents. Information Sciences, 2009, 179(24), 4243-4248. (SCI) [2] Xuan Hong, Kefei Chen. Secure Multiple-Times Proxy Signature Scheme. Computer Standards and Interfaces, 2009, 31(1), 19-23. (SCI) [3] Gong Zheng, Long Yu, Hong Xuan, Chen Kefei. Practical certificateless aggregate signatures from bilinear maps. Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 2010, 26(6): 2093-2106. (SCI) [4] Xuan Hong and Luqun Li. Adaptive Universal Composability Framework for Server-Aided Threshold Signature. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 5(1):270-274, 2013. (EI) [5] Xuan Hong, Yu Long. A Novel Unidirectional Proxy Re-Signature Scheme and Its Application for MANETs. Journal of Computer, 7(7):1796-1800, 2012. (EI) [6] Xuan Hong, A Novel Universally Composable Threshold Signature Protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc Network. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2012, 4(1): 79-81. (EI) [7] 洪璇, 温蜜, 万中美. 适用于MANETs的前摄性门限签名协议. 计算机工程, 2012, 38(1): 127-129. (核心) [8] 洪璇. 基于二元哈希树的密钥隔离代理签名方案. 电子设计工程. 2012,20(8):133-136. (核心) [9] 洪璇, 陈克非, 万中美. 简单的通用可组合代理重签名方案. 软件学报, 2010, 21(8): 2079-2088. (EI) [10] Xuan Hong, Mi Wen. Further simplified servers assisted threshold RSA signature. Proceeding of ICCSE 2010. (EI) [11] Wen Mi, Hong Xuan, Li Jing, Yin Zhi, Wang Yong. A self-healing key distribution with node and head revocation in wireless sensor networks. Journal of computational Information Systems, 2010, 6(3): 881-887. (EI) [12] Wan Zhong-Mei, Lai Xue-Jia, Weng Jian, Liu Sheng-Li, Long Yu, Hong Xuan. Strong key-insulated signature in the standard model. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), 2010, 15(6): 657-661. (EI) [13] 洪璇, 陈克非, 李强. 通用可组合安全的门限签名协议. 通信学报. 2009, 30(4):1-6. (EI) [14] Hong Xuan, Li Xiangxue, Gong Zheng, Chen Kefei. A Universal Composability Framework for Analysis of Proxy Threshold Signature. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), 2009, 14(1), 107-111. (EI) [15] Certificateless key-insulated signature without random oracles. Journal of Zhejiang University, 2009, 10(12): 1790-1800. (EI) [16] Long yu, Li Xiangxue, Chen Kefei, Hong Xuan. Distributed Certificateless Key Encapsulation Mechanism Secure Against the Adaptive Adversary. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), 2009, 14(1), 102-106. (EI) [17] Hong Xuan, Chen Kefei, Long Yu. Universally Composable Proactive Threshold RSA Signature. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), 2008, 13(6), 659-663. (EI) [18] Wan Zhongmei, Lai Xuejia, Weng Jian, Hong Xuan and Long Yu. On Constructing Certificateless Proxy Signature from Certificateless Signature. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science), 2008, 13(6), 692-694. (EI) [19] 董玲, 陈克非, 郑燕飞, 洪璇. 认证协议的安全性保证. 上海交通大学学报. 2008, 42(4) , 3518-522. (EI) [20] Xuan Hong, Kefei Chen. Secure Key-Insulated Proxy Signature Scheme for Mobile Agent. Proceeding of ICICIC 2007. (EI) [21] Xuan Hong, Kefei Chen, Yu Long. Efficient Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme based on the RSA Cryptosystem. Proceeding of ChinaCrypt (中国密码学会) 2007. (密码学专业会议) [22] Zheng Gong, Yu Long, Xuan Hong, Kefei Chen. Two Certificateless Aggregate Signatures from Bilinear Maps. Proceedings of the SNPD 2007. (EI) [23] Long Yu, Chen Kefei, Hong Xuan. A New Chosen Ciphertext Secure ID-based Threshold Decryption Scheme from Pairing. Chinese Journal of Computers, 2006, 29(9), 1679-1687. (EI) [24] 叶永青, 李晖, 郑燕飞, 洪璇, 郑东. 基于二进制代码的缓冲区溢出监测研究. 计算机工程. 2006, 32(18), 141-143. (核心) 主持的科研项目: 1. 国家自然科学基金委青年科学基金项目,通用可组合安全的数字签名体制的研究,2011.01-2013.12。 2. 上海市教委科研创新一般项目,网络环境下通用可组合安全的数字签名体制的研究,2012.01-2014.12。 3. 上海市教委上海高校选拔培养优秀青年教师科研专项基金,无线网络中的签名体制的研究,2010.9-2012.8。 |