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Contact Information: Dr. Haiguang Chen Associate Professor Department of Computer Science Shanghai Normal University Room 205,Buiding 13, No 100,GuilinRoad Shanghai, China 200234 E.mail: chhg@shnu.edu.cn or hgchen@fudan.edu.cn Biography Dr. Haiguang Chen is currently the Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Science at the Shanghai Normal University . In the past, he has been a Post-Doctal on the faculty at Fundan University from 2009 to 2011. Dr. Haiguang Chen received his doctoral degree from Fundan University , at Department of Computer Science and Engineering,in 2008, and received an School Outstanding Young Teacher Award in 2008 and in 2002. Dr. Haiguang Chen's research interests are in the areas of wireless networks, sensor networks, Trust Management, Data Mining,Internet protocols, and QoS. Dr. Haiguang Chen's like shift Academic field to industrial field. he like unite some theory with practice. he also is the Consultant of several company Teaching 1:Computer Newtorks. 2:C/C++. 3: Web Program. 4:Computer Security. 5:Data Structure. 6:Data Mining. Students 1:Zhengcai, Pan.(M.S.) 2:Haijun,Jia(M.S) 3: Qing Qian.(M.S) 4:Pengzhi,Shi. ( Former. M.S) 5:Miaofu,Zhu.(Former. M.S) Services 1: If you want to personal visit Dr, Haiguang Chen, you had better email to him. he check his emial everyday. 2: If you want to ask Dr. Chen to write a recommendation, you must prepare the record of your studing ,and he will write for you about a weektime. Publications 1 Haiguang Chen, Peng Han ,Bo Yu, Chuanshan Gao A New Kind of Session Keys Based on Message Scheme for Sensor Networks, The Seventeenth Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC 2005) P315-318 Dec. 4-7, 2005 Suzhou , China (EI indexed: Accession Number:070910441033) 2 Haiguang Chen, Huafeng Wu , Xi Zhou, Chuanshan Gao Agent-based Trust Model in Wireless Sensor Networks 8th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD2007) PP 119-124 ,July 30 - Aug 1, 2007 Qingdao,China. (EI indexed: Accession number: 074110862685) 3 Haiguang Chen, Peng Han, Xi Zhou and Chuanshan Cao Lightweight Anomaly Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks Pacific Asian Workshop on Intelligence and security informatics(PAISI 2007) LNCS4430 P105-116 April 11-12, Chengdu, China (EI Indexed Accession number: 080311037821)(ISTP indexed:IDS Number: BGD10) 4 Haiguang Chen, Huafeng Wu , Xi Zhou , Chuanshan Gao Reputation-based Trust in Wireless Sensor Networks 2007 International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE2007) pp. 603-607, April 26-28, 2007,Seoul, Korea (EI indexed:Accession number:080111003186) 5 Haiguang Chen, Huafeng Wu , Xiu Cao , Chuanshan Gao Trust Propagation and Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks The 2007 Japan-China Joint Workshop on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology, PP13-20 (FCST-2007), Wuhan, China, 1-3 November 2007(EI indexed:Accession number: 083011396495)(ISTP indexed: IDS Number: BHF34) 6 Haiguang Chen, Huafeng Wu , Xi Zhou , Chuanshan Gao Key Feature and Rule-based Intrusion Detection for Wireless Sensor Networks 2007 IFIP International Workshop on Network and System Security, pp. 164-168 , Sept 19-20, 2007, Dalian, China(EI indexed:Accession number: 083111412669)(ISTP indexed:IDS Number: BGY79) 7 Haiguang Chen, Huafeng Wu , Jinchu Hu, Chuanshan Gao, Agent-based Trust Management Model for Wireless Sensor Networks, 2008 International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (MUE 2008), 24-26 April 2008, Busan, Korea. IEEE Computer Society 2008, PP150-154 (EI indexed Accession number: 20083711542345) 8 Chen, Haiguang ; Gu, Gangfeng; Chen, Xinhua; Zhang, Chongming, Task and trust for wireless sensor networks, 2008 International Conference on Security Technology, SecTech 2008, p 146-149, 2008(EI indexed: Accession number: 20090911922262) 9 Chen, Haiguang Wu, Huafeng; Hu, Jinchu; Gao, Chuanshan,Event-based trust framework model in wireless sensor networks, Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture, and Storage - IEEE NAS 2008, p 359-364, 2008(EI indexed:Accession number: 20083911584777) 10 Chen, Haiguang Chen, XinHua; Niu, Junyu Implicit security authentication scheme in wireless sensor networks, Proceedings - 2010 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security, MINES 2010, p 804-808, 2010 (EI indexed: Accession number: 20110413613558) 11 Zhu, Miaofu, Chen, Haiguang; Wu, Huafeng,A rank-based application-driven resilient reputation framework model for wireless sensor networks, ICCASM 2010 - 2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling, Proceedings, v 9, p V9125-V9129, 2010, ICCASM 2010 (EI indexed:Accession number: 20104913453104) 12 Chen, Haiguang; Gu, Gangfeng ; Wu, Huafeng ; Gao, Chuanshan ,International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, v 2, n 4, p 23-32, 2007,Reputation and trust mathematical approach for Wireless sensor networks (EI indexed:Accession number: 20120614750585) 13 Chen, Haiguang, Task-based trust management for wireless sensor networks ,International Journal of Security and its Applications, v 3, n 2, p 21-26, 2009, , (EI indexed:Accession number: 20121214872283) 14 Yu, Bo; Chen, Haiguang; Yang, Min; Mao, Dilin; Gao, Chuanshan,A key management scheme for cross-layering designs in wireless sensor networks,Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), v 3758 LNCS, p 757-768, 2005, Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications - Third International Symposium, ISPA 2005, Proceedings,(EI indexed:Accession number: 2006219894404) 15 Zhengcai Pan, Chen, Haiguang,TongKey at Entity Track TREC 2011:Related Entity Finding 16 Pengzhi Shi , Chen, Haiguang,RASN: Resist on-off Attack for Wireless Sensor Networks,The 2nd International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (2012),PP690-693 Projects 1. 2012.6-2012.8 Support By GuOu, Extract Number form Image of RMB image project leader 2: 2009.1-2011.5 Supported by National 863,Key technology research based text mining user data security Main Participate the project 3:2009.1 -2011.1 Support by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, subject, wireless sensor networks, trust-based security mechanisms (item number: 09YZ154) project leader 4:2008.1 -2009.12 Support by Shanghai Normal University, presided over a number of key technologies to build secure the WMNs network of research project (Project Number: SK200705), project leader 5:2005.8-2006.5 the Department of Computer Science Engineering, Computer Communications Laboratory with Huawei Technology Co., Ltd. P2P technology joint research projects. Participate the project 6:2005.11-2006.12 a joint research project of the Department of Computer Science Engineering, Computer Communications Laboratory of Nokia wireless sensor network. Participate the project 7:2004.9-2005.10 J2ME joint research project to participate in the Department of Computer Science Engineering, Computer Communications Laboratory of Intel Corporation Participate the project 8:2001.12--2002.12 Support by Shanghai Normal University,. Intrant / Internet network office systems project leader Other Academic Activities 1. at TREC 2011 Entity Track Session ,we get rank 2 of all the participating groups. 2. ICUT2009 reviewer 3. METI 2009 reviewer 4. IMETI 2010 reviewer 5. reviewer of software Journal 6. The 17th International Conference on Software Telecommunications and Computer Networks. Reviewer 7. International Conference on Communications, Computers and Applications.Reviwer 8. the Academic Journal of communication Reviewer 9. Speech in a session at APMC 2005 Dec. 4-7, 2005 Suzhou , China 10. Speech in a session at SNPD2007 ,July 30 - Aug 1, 2007 Qingdao,China 11.Speech in a session at MUE 2008, 24-26 April 2008, Busan, Korea 12. Speech in a session at NAS2008, June 12-14,2008,Chongqing,China. Other Work Experience 2001-2004 Shanghai Etong IT Co.,Ltd Senior Consultant, software develop 2004-2005 Shanghai Booye IT Co,.Ltd Senior Consultant, SNS and web2.0 2005-2006 Shanghai bangsai IT Co,.Ltd Consultant, Security and Newworks 2010- Shanghai Tongkey Network IT Co.,Ltd. Directors, Data Mining |